3D Virtual Tabletop now Supports Rolls for the 2d20 System

Characters roll two d20s, attempting to roll as low as possible on each one. Tasks require one or more successes, with success scored beyond that becoming Momentum. Extra d20s can be rolled at the cost of resources or Doom, which encourages the GM to make the characters’ lives interesting.

To make it easier to identify individual successes from each die roll, there is a new option in 3DVTT’s dice roller in the chat. Put an “i” in front of the roll command and you’ll receive the results of the roll as individual numbers from each roll, rather than having the total first. Here are some examples.

  • Typing “iroll 2d20”

    • Gives the result: “Rolled [3 18] on 2d20”

  • Typing “Climb /iroll 3d20”

    • Gives the result: “Climb Rolled [6 13 9] on 3d20“

To find out where your Momentum or Doom take you, head on over to Modiphius then fire up 3DVTT for a game.

Posted on April 14, 2020 and filed under 3D Virtual Tabletop.